Kiwi Jasper
$9.00 CAD
Helps align and cleanse the aura and all Chakras Absorbs and dissipates negative energy Balances the mind, body and spirit Nurturing crystal, calming, reduces stress and uplifts mood Assists in...

Lavender Fluorite
$15.00 CAD
Stimulates Third Eye function bringing clarity and intuition Brings a calm stable frequency which brings order to chaos Supports focus, concentration and memory Connects mind to spirit Expands conciousness to...

Snowflake Fluorite
$13.00 CAD
Cleanses and Stabilizes the Aura and Chakras Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy Balances emotions and energy Calms and banishes anxious thoughts Increases intuition Assists with focus, concentration, memory and mental...

$16.00 CAD
– Sold OutOpens and clears the Root Chakra Grounding and protective Shields against EMF Energizes and revitalizes the inner body Eases stress and worry Balances the body an mind

Yellow Fluorite
$11.00 CAD
Opens and heals the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra Enhances creativity and is very effective in group situations Stimulates and clears the mind Opens psychic abilities and healing Assists in...

Fire Quartz
$21.00 CAD
Associated with the Crown Chakra Holds all of the properties of Clear Quartz and Hematite Brings balance and stability Grounding and protective Cleanses and rids blockages from the aura, chakras...

$10.00 CAD
Opens and helps balance the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras Energizes all levels of life Attracts wealth, prosperity an success Raises self esteem and self acceptance Balances emotions, helps with...

Selenite Point
$10.00 CAD
Associate with the Crown Chakra Calming and deeply peaceful crystal Clarity of mind and self awareness Clears and helps open the Crown and Upper Chakras connecting us to higher guidance...

Selenite Chunky Point
$15.00 CAD
Associate with the Crown Chakra Calming and deeply peaceful crystal Clarity of mind and self awareness Clears and helps open the Crown and Upper Chakras connecting us to higher guidance...

Purple Aura Quartz
$9.00 CAD
Brings energy and balance to all Chakras Has vibrant energy and encourages a zest for life Helps with dysfunctional relationships Assists in releasing negative emotions such as grief, resentment etc....

$37.00 CAD
Opens and clears blockages in the Crown Chakra Releases all negativity Helps with anxiety, emotional dependency, and addictions Stabalizes emotions and mood Brings calming, relaxing and uplifting energy

$15.00 CAD
Connected to the Root, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras Helps reduce stressful feelings Assists in emotional growth Brings peace and feelings of wholeness Shields you against negativity Removes blockages within...

Pink Opal
$11.00 CAD
Opens the heart Chakra Balances emotions and all matters of the heart Calms and soothes the emotional body Brings peace, hope and love Helps with stress, worry and anxiety Centers...

Pink Opalite
$10.00 CAD
Opens and clears the Third Eye Chakra Holds a very high energy but remains gentle in its healing Assists in communication Removes blocks from all of the chakras and meridians...

Purple Fluorite
$15.00 CAD
Stimulates Third Eye function bringing clarity and intuition Brings a calm stable frequency which brings order to chaos Supports focus, concentration and memory Connects mind to spirit Expands conciousness to...

Red Jasper
$11.00 CAD
Balances Sacral and Root Chakras Increases emotional focus and balance Removes negative energy, stress and worry Helps with anxiety, and emotional frustration Good for thought, clarity, mood and energy balancing...

Rose Quartz
$20.00 CAD
Opens and balances the Heart Chakra Crystal of universal love Restores trust and harmony in relationships encouraging unconditional love Opens the heart to all forms of love, friendship, self love,...

$40.00 CAD
Clears blockages in the Root Chakra Grounds and absorbs negative energy Relieves stress and balances emotions Kills bacteria, viruses and purifies water Reduces oxidative stress and shields EMF

Snowflake Obsidian
$10.00 CAD
Connected to the Root Chakra Balances the mind, body and soul Helps release stressful, negative thinking patterns Helps to see the light through the darkness Calming and Soothing Promotes inner...

$15.00 CAD
Opens and balances and energizes the Sacral Chakra Crystal of luck and prosperity Reduces stress and brings positive energy Evokes joyful feelings Effective in helping with seasonal affective disorder Brings...

Tigers Eye
$20.00 CAD
Opens and clears Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras Grounds and centers personal energy Instills courage and confidence Dispels anxiety and worry Protects against all negative energy Great crystal for...

Kambaba Jasper
$13.00 CAD
Removes blocks from the Root and Heart Chakras Brings emotional protection and grounding Calming crystal, bringing a feeling of peace Helps remove negative emotions such as guilt, anger, trauma and...

$15.00 CAD
Helps connect the Root Chakra to your highest self Calms, reduces stress, anger and anxiety Absorbs and dissipates negative energy Helps with insomnia Quiets and calms an overactive mind Overall...

Grey/Blue Agate
$19.00 CAD
Assists in the balance of all Chakras Rebalances and harmonizes mind, body and spirit Cleanses and stabilizes the aura Eliminates and transforms negative energy Improves mental function and concentration Soothes,...

Green Strawberry Quartz
$10.00 CAD
Opens the Heart Chakra Transmutes negative energy into positive energy Attracts prosperity, success and creativity Opens empathy and conciousness Helps cope with chances Brings emotional balance and loving feelings

Golden Sheen Obsidian
$20.00 CAD
Opens Root, Third Eye and Sacral Chakras Balances energy fields, grounds and protects Dissolves negativity, purifies aura and helps dissolve blockages Helps to move forward with the lessons of the...

Garnet in Astrophylite
$40.00 CAD
Garnet balances both the Root and Heart Chakras Purifies, revitalizes and balances energy Instills self confidence, courage and hope Helps control anger, especially when directed at self Clears negative energy...

Dream Amethyst
$23.00 CAD
Helps balance the Crown and Third Eye Chakras Powerful protection from all types of negativity Calms and brings emotional balance Reduces stress, anxiety, fear, irritability, anger and grief Eases tension,...

Crazy Lace Agate
$6.00 CAD
Beneficial to the Third Eye Chakra Known as the crystal of laughter and happiness Stabilizes the aura and eliminates negative energy Elevates thoughts/attitude, beneficial for depression Absorbs emotional pain, increases...

Black Tourmaline in Quartz
$8.00 CAD
Good for both the Third Eye and Root Chakras Cleansing, grounding and protective Amplifies energy and intensions Eliminates destructive patterns Facilitates clear thinking and increases intuition Creates a shield of...

Black Obsidian
$12.00 CAD
Balancing to the Root Chakra Creates a strong protective shield around the aura Draws out mental stress and tension Dissolves emotional blocks and helps heal trauma Brings compassion, strength, clarity...

Aura Howlite
$13.00 CAD
Helps connect the Root Chakra to your highest self Calms, reduces stress, anger and anxiety Absorbs and dissipates negative energy Helps with insomnia Quiets and calms an overactive mind Overall...

Angel Aura Quartz
$9.00 CAD
Helps to purify and balance the Chakra system Radiates joy, happiness and uplifting energy Helps with unstable and distressed emotions Creates a protective shield around the aura Opens energy blocks...

$25.00 CAD
Helps balance the Crown and Third Eye Chakras Powerful protection from all types of negativity Calms and brings emotional balance Reduces stress, anxiety, fear, irritability, anger and grief Eases tension,...

Pink Aura Quartz
$9.00 CAD
Brings energy and balance to all Chakras Has vibrant energy and encourages a zest for life Helps with dysfunctional relationships Assists in releasing negative emotions such as grief, resentment etc....

Blue Aura Quartz
$9.00 CAD
Brings energy and balance to all Chakras Has vibrant energy and encourages a zest for life Helps with dysfunctional relationships Assists in releasing negative emotions such as grief, resentment etc....

Purple/Blue Aura Quartz
$9.00 CAD
Brings energy and balance to all Chakras Has vibrant energy and encourages a zest for life Helps with dysfunctional relationships Assists in releasing negative emotions such as grief, resentment etc....

Caribbean Calcite
$13.00 CAD
Good for the Third Eye, Crown and Throat Chakras. Brings balance and tranquility Helps manifest peace, love and compassion Reduces stress, and bring calming energy Removes energy blocks in the...

Banded Agate
$30.00 CAD
Assists in the balance of all Chakras Rebalances and harmonizes mind, body and spirit Cleanses and stabilizes the aura Eliminates and transforms negative energy Improves mental function and concentration Soothes,...